

  1. You can join the conference with your abstract and oral presentation (full text is not required).
  2. All selected abstracts and full texts will be published in Conference E-Book. Abstracts and articles are accepted after passing through the blind peer-review system.
  3. If you want to publish your paper as an article, you should submit it to USBED by 5 November 2025. In this option, the full paper won’t be published in the Conference E-Book and evaluated for the following issues of USBED. Article evaluations will be made according to the journal rules of USBED, and publication is not guaranteed.


Title: Less than 12 words. TNR 12 pt, bold, first letter capitalized and centered.

Abstract: 100-300 words. TNR 11 pt, 1 line spacing.

Keywords: 3-8 keywords, in order from general to specific

Main Part: Less than 12 pages. 11 Point, 1 line spacing.

References: APA 7 style must be used.